Google Plus Data Leak:It will be terminate after 3 months by Google Community

Google Plus Data Leak: It will be terminate after 3 months by Google Community

                              Google Plus Data Leak:It will be terminate after 3 months by Google Community
As the news came from Google on Monday that Google Plus.More than 5 Lakhs of users Data Leak due to a previously undisclosed bug in the software.

Yes, It's true that after 3 months it will terminate or shutdown from the Internet by Google company. This news came from Google executives Sundar Pichai's on Monday conference meeting was revealed software bug that makes users that exposed publically and also pay for it a bug as a penalty that not be a huge amount for Google but its reputation was going down after the news came from Google.

Google found and repaired the software bug in March, according to a Google on Monday. But the delay until October in revealing the incident could reignite long-standing complaints from federal and state officials that tech giants such as Google are reckless with user privacy leak.

In May, Europe adopted new General Data Protection Regulation laws that require companies to notify authorities about the leak of personal information data's within 72 hours. Google's security issue occurred in March before the new rules went into effect.

Just last month, Google was criticized for not sending Mr. Pichai to a hearing attending by top executives from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

Google Plus Data Leak:It will be terminate after 3 months by Google Community

Google Plus introduced in 2011, As a Facebook competitor that links users to various Google products, including its search engine and YouTube. Around  111 Million active users in which 90 percent of user's sessions are less than five seconds long.

In this year Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg also apologized for data leaked from Facebook.Google discovered the Google+ security bug in the same month that Silicon Valley rival Facebook was facing massive scrutiny over its role in allowing people affiliated with political consultancy Cambridge Analytica to collect data on 87 million users -- an incident that led to demands that Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg testify on Capitol Hill.

Now the users were tensed that on which social media we believe before giving our information on media. Whenever we accessing any social media, website or other media's that we want to access they give a privacy protection statements like Terms and Conditions in huge words which is not in readable without reading it we agree for policies. Users have no options were left from this policies issues.

Privacy Policies that improved by the companies of social media's

  • From my opinions, companies privacy policies should be readable for any users without giving much time on it.
  • It should be minimum words and users friendly words use in privacy policies.
  • Companies provide how much of users data safe in their database lockers.

*The source of this information from Google Plus


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