Binaural Beats can change your life Activates your Subconscious Mind.

Can Music change your Creativity, Focus, Concentration, Reasoning, Retention Power?
How much power in Music and How much can change ourselves?

Binaural Beats can change your life  Activates your  Subconscious Mind.

Music has much power to change your thoughts, achieve your Dreams, and Activates your Conscious and Sub-Conscious Mind. 

What is Binaural Beats?

Binaural Beats can change your life  Activates your  Subconscious Mind.
Binaural means two ears. Binaural Beats are two different frequency that causes a wobble when it enters our ears. Example- Two frequencies like 14 Hz and other one is 10 Hz.

How do they Work?

Binaural Beats can change your life  Activates your  Subconscious Mind.When two different frequencies enter in our ears it means one of them is higher frequency and another one is lower frequency due to this difference in frequency, Our left and right Brain communicate with each other which help in reducing the level of Cortisol Hormone, Reduces Stress and Anxiety, Increase sex- drive & fertility, and Increase IQ Level (Intelligence Quotient).

And one of the studying showing that who practicing this beats regularly can Increase their IQ level around 23% which is not bad for us. 

Binaural Beats are classified into 5 States.

Binaural Beats can change your life  Activates your  Subconscious Mind.

1) Delta

When the difference of two frequency is 0.1 - 4 Hz called the Delta States. Example- when one frequency is 500 Hz and another one is 503 Hz. The difference is 3 Hz which is Delta states(3Hz).

Useful For:-

  • Better Sleep/ Dreams.
  • Pain Relief.
  • Self Awareness.
  • Activation Subconscious Mind.

2) Theta 

Binaural Beats can change your life  Activates your  Subconscious Mind.When the difference of two frequency is 4 - 7 Hz called the Theta States. Example- when one frequency is 500 Hz and another one is 504 Hz.

Useful For:-

  • Inner Peace.
  • Deep Meditations.

Binaural Beats can change your life  Activates your  Subconscious Mind.


When the difference of two frequency is 7 - 13 Hz called the Alpha States. Example- when one frequency is 500 Hz and another one is 507 Hz.
Useful For:-
  • Creativity.
  • Focus.
  • Learning.
  • Produces Serotonin.

Binaural Beats can change your life  Activates your  Subconscious Mind.4)Beta

When the difference of two frequency is 13-39 Hz called the Beta States. Example- when one frequency is 500 Hz and another one is 513 Hz.

Useful For:-

  • Motivation.
  • Alertness.
  • Problems Solving skills.
  • Sexual Helth.

5) Gamma

Binaural Beats can change your life  Activates your  Subconscious Mind.

When the difference of two frequency is over 40 Hz called the Gamma States. Example- when one frequency is 500 Hz and another one is 545 or more Hz.

Useful For:-

  • Peak Awareness.
  • Intelligence.
  • Social Attachment.
  • Self Control.

How I Start this or How I Used this?

At first, time listen for 10 minutes when it becomes habitual for you can increase time according to yourself. It will seem odd for the initial phase but you don't stop it.
You can use this beast while 
  • Before Study for focus.
  • After work for Relaxation.
  • During work to concentration.

Binaural Beats can change your life  Activates your  Subconscious Mind.


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